Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 241

August 29, 2011

the one where we celebrated the first day of school! (And the first day of my senior year!? Where has the time gone?) I’ll be honest; my feelings toward being a senior are pretty ambivalent! On the one hand, it’s awesome getting football tickets for first deck, walking around campus sporting a shiny gold ring, and running into tons of people you’ve met throughout your first 3 years here...but on the other hand it’s kind of bittersweet because you know that this is your last year as a student at the place you’ve learned to call “home.” Nevertheless, I have to remember that rejoicing is no less rich when it contains a hint of sadness. And I’m so thankful that I decided to start my 365 project this year, so I can cherish these memories long after my time here at A&M is over!

Starting the day off right at the Rec + going to my first-ever Linguistics class (which I’m ridiculously excited about!) and getting out of class 30 minutes early + catching up with lots of friends during my long middle-of-the-day break + reading that the word “fish” could technically be spelled “ghoti” according to English phonetics (think of the “gh” in “enough,” the “o” in “women,” and the “ti” in “nation.” Mind. Blown.) + reading this article about weird college classes (thanks, Rachel!) + laughing my head off when my statistics professor introduced himself as “Dr. von Torture,” and then proceeded to entertain us for the next 50 minutes of class + SMYRT Kick-Off after Mass (which included volleyball, a 3-legged race, and watching Troy and Laura get pied in the face!) = What a way to begin the year!

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