Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 158

June 7, 2011

the one where Joanna and I went on another early-morning run (which left me feeling so sore that I was hobblin’ around the house at turtle-speed all day), studied for the GRE, and got further into the grandma spirit by baking my famous chocolate cookies for the neighborhood children! (Okay, not really…but if there were neighborhood children, you could bet I’d give them plenty of cookies. Some nutrition major I am!)

Joanna made my day when she took a bite of this cookie and then got distracted with something and left it laying there—then I saw it and couldn’t stop laughing! She came back in to pick it up and we both just laughed at the perfect little bite mark! It’s random moments like these that remind me how such small things can brighten a day.

And of course no Tuesday night would be complete without choir practice and Leadership meeting! Whoop!
PS: I saw a music video today that blew my mind! It’s so magical, and I’ll be honest: it kind of spoke to my soul. It reminds me of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and The 5 People You Meet in Heaven, all at once! BRILLIANT! You MUST see this.

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